NEW LOCATION: 1435 S Milton, Flagstaff, AZ (behind Strombolli's)
(no menu online)
The Food (taste/flavor/quality of food & drinks)
>>>>= a favorite, can count on it being good every time
The Atmosphere (environment, wait staff, comfortableness)
x= if the food's good enough, still worth going, otherwise forget it
Price (what to generally expect to pay per person per entree)
$= under $10
Value (what you get for your money)
*** = fair -you get what you pay for, not in a bad way
This was one of the best kept secrets in Flagstaff. A tiny little bakery without a sign making some of the best breads in town. But now the Village Baker has a new location, still without any frills, except in their foods.
Village Baker is a bakery only, not a real restaurant, though the new location does have a barstool or two in the front window. It is a great place to buy fresh, unique, healthy breads. They’ve got quite an impressive assortment from several varieties of whites and sourdoughs to honey wheats and multigrains and everything in between. Options to depend on the day and the time. So go in the morning for the biggest selection.
When they opened the new location, they also added lots of yummy breakfast items from cinnamon rolls to scones, danish and more. The fresh fruit danish are really good and worth going for. But do plan on just running in and picking up your chosen goodies. The atmosphere is totally lacking.
Whether you’re a tourist or a local, I’d recommend stopping in and picking up a loaf (ask them to slice it for you). Then grab some deli meats from the grocery store and head out for a picnic at the Arizona Snowbowl just north of town. There are plenty of spots in the meadow or under a tree to throw down your picnic blanket and hang out with the whole family. This is actually a tradition for my family every father’s day.
NOTE: During the summer and early fall, you can also buy Village Baker breads at the Flagstaff Farmer's Market.
**TIP: Look in Flagstaff’s independent free weekly tabloids for an occasional dollar off coupon for The Village Baker!**
More Village Baker photos HERE.